Recently, Chrissy Teigan posted about her experiences of yoni steaming on social media, which sparked a lot of questions from EmpressBody’s followers, and of course we are happy to answer them!

EmpressBody is a big advocate of yoni steaming as it is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide to support deep wellness. Also known as vaginal steaming, chai-yok, or bajo, it is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate the exterior of her vagina. This women's treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman's center, providing myriad benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Yoni steaming will support your natural feminine cycle, and help you to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally. It has been proven to help with insomnia, heal from sexual trauma, and relieve anxiety and stress along with a wide variety of other ailments. This is why EmpressBody was very motivated to create our own yoni steam with carefully selected herbs so that more women could try this amazing holistic yoni health practice.

Click here to view the EmpressBody Yoni Steam
Yoni Steaming is about women taking back ownership of their personal health and wombs and utilizing intuition as well as herbs from the Earth, to support and nourish overall well-being. It is full vaginal empowerment. Not only is the EmpressBody Yoni Steam safe and healing, it is also easy to use and there are so many reasons to do it! We’ve put together 7 reasons why you should try vaginal steaming.
1) Improves irregular menstrual cycles
The number one reason that many women practice yoni steaming is because of its ability to significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation, as well as to regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles. It works like this: after the medicinal herbs release their cleansing and healing oils into hot water, they are carried via steam to the porous skin of the outer labia, where they are absorbed. The ancient wisdom says that from there, the properties of the plants are carried through the bloodstream into the uterus, where they help to dislodge the stuck material that causes discomfort during menstruation. It may sound far-fetched, but for countless women, the improvement in the cycle is undeniable.
Click here to find out how EmpressBody can help with irregular periods
2) Heals the womb
Perhaps a result of stress and environmental toxins in our world today, many women suffer from challenges such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. In the same way that yoni steaming supports the uterus to shed old blood, it can help the miraculous organ to expel any non-essential tissue or cells, including polyps, cysts or endometrium growing outside the uterus. The result is a healthier womb, inside and out.
Click here to find out how EmpressBody can help with uterine fibroids
Click here to find out how EmpressBody can help with endometriosis
Click here to find out how EmpressBody can help with ovarian cysts
3) Deeply connects a woman with her source of power
Yoni steaming is an opportunity to connect deeply with, celebrate and cherish all aspects of our bodies and their subtle energies, especially that of our yonis. Using yoni steaming as the entry point, many women have learned to channel the potent energy of their wombs to unlock creative potential that serves their true self and life purpose.

4) Detoxifies the womb
To truly live in balance, we must detoxify our environment, our relationships and, of course, our own bodies. Yoni steaming works similarly to the way a steam room is used to draw toxins out of your body via the skin, or an herbal steam is used to clear congestion from your nasal passages when you have a cold. Likewise, steaming the exterior of your vagina draws out toxins and clears congestion from your womb. The gentle heat and moisture cause physical toxins to be released from cells into the lymphatic fluid, which is expelled from the body as sweat.
Click here to find out how EmpressBody can help you detoxify further
5) Gets your sexual juices flowing
On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our yonis!), which helps us to feel more sexy and sensual. On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which can help increase libido and makes sex more enjoyable! And, the very act of steaming is slightly arousing, which helps us get turned on!
Click here to read about how EmpressBody can help with vaginal dryness
6) Helps to increase fertility
There may be many reasons for fertility challenges, but one of those reasons is induration (hardened lining) and buildup of old material in the venous lakes (folds) on the uterine walls. By breaking up this excess material and releasing it through menstruation, the uterine walls are prepared for a fertilized egg to attach and thrive. In many cases, this is the missing piece of the preparation for a successful pregnancy.
Click here to read more about the EmpressBody Fertility Bundle
7) Speeds recovery after birth
A yoni steam is called a “bajo” by Mayan midwives and is the traditional treatment used to heal, cleanse and tone the reproductive system after birth. The ancient remedy is thought to clear any remaining material from the uterus after birth, assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar, and encourage the tissue to tighten. It is best to wait a week after birth before steaming in order to give mama’s body some time to heal on its own before introducing warm steam.
Click here to read more about how EmpressBody can help you after birth
Are there any drawbacks to yoni steaming? Not many, as long as you follow a few simple precautions. First and foremost, never try a yoni steam while pregnant or if you have any sort of infection. Secondly, yoni steams should only be used while you are not menstruating, and are not recommended for women with an intrauterine device (IUD). Finally, always be sure the steam temperature is mild so as to avoid scalding. As long as these simple precautions are followed, yoni steaming is a safe and effective holistic health treatment!
Click here to view more EmpressBody yoni wellness products
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