We all know when our period is coming; the tell tale cramping, mood swings, cravings and other fun parts all make themselves known every month, some months or very irregularly, but do we know what ovulation looks or feels like? There are many signs that your body exhibits that indicate that you’re ovulating and EmpressBody are here to spread the knowledge and teach you how to spot if you’re ovulating! This is particularly important to know if you’re trying to get pregnant ... EmpressBody has also got a holistic treatment to help you boost your chances of getting pregnant!
Ovulation is the process by which your body releases one or more eggs from your ovary. If the egg is fertilized and successfully implants, you're pregnant. But if you miss the fertilization window, you're not.
When Do Most Women Ovulate?
On average, a woman with regular cycles tends to ovulate sometime between day 11 and day 21 of her cycle. (Day 1 is the day you get your period.) This means a woman’s most fertile days will fall somewhere between day 8 and day 21.
If your cycles are on the shorter side, you’re more likely to ovulate closer to day 11. If you have longer menstrual cycles, ovulation may occur closer to day 21. But “some time” between day 11 and day 21 is quite a long range!
You could aim to have sex every day or every other day between day 8 and day 21. Or, you can look for ovulation symptoms and have sex whenever you detect fertile signs. You can also try tracking your cycles every month, so you get an idea of when ovulation occurs for you (your own personal average).
Some ovulation signs indicate that ovulation is approaching. This allows you to time sex for pregnancy. Others let you know that ovulation has passed. This can be reassuring, giving you confidence that you did ovulate.
By learning to identify the physical symptoms of ovulation — before you actually ovulate — you can time sexual intercourse right and boost your odds of getting pregnant. Score!
If you have very irregular cycles due to a condition like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) then you might not know when you’re most fertile moment in the month is without the clear marker of a period.
Click here to learn how EmpressBody can help you ovulate with PCOS

Signs of ovulation:
Ovulation Pain
Also referred to as mittelschmerz, some women can experience ovulation cramps or twinges when an egg is released. Symptoms can include dull or sharp and sudden pain that's generally mild. It usually lasts a few minutes to a few hours, but may last as long as a day or two.
Basal Body Temperature
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), immediately following ovulation most women experience a slight but detectable rise in their normal body temperature. By monitoring your basal body temperature first thing in the morning before you rise on a daily basis, and tracking the results on a basal body temperature chart, it's possible to determine that ovulation has occurred. However, conditions such as fever, restless sleep, and exertion can affect the accuracy of the temperature readings.
Ovulation Discharge and Cervical Mucus
According to ACOG, another way to detect impending ovulation is to monitor your yoni secretions or cervical mucus by checking regularly for mucus at the opening of your yoni. In general, your yoni produces the least amount of secretions immediately following the conclusion of your menstrual cycle. The amount and consistency of vaginal secretions follow this pattern for most women:
Soon after your menstrual cycle, you might notice a sticky or "tacky" yoni secretion. Immediately prior to ovulation, most women usually detect increased yoni secretions that are wet and slippery (similar to the consistency of raw egg white). Generally, your body produces the greatest amount of this type of yoni discharge is on the day of ovulation. Immediately following the day of ovulation, your yoni discharge gradually becomes thicker in consistency, and less is secreted.

Be mindful of the following factors that could affect the amount and consistency of your yoni secretions:
· Vaginal infection or sexually transmitted disease
· Sexual excitement
· Use of lubricants during intercourse
According to Planned Parenthood, the following factors might also influence your vaginal secretions:
· Douching
· Breastfeeding
· Perimenopause
· Surgery performed on the cervix
Click here to learn more about yoni discharge with EmpressBody
If you’re looking to boost your chances of getting pregnant try the EmpressBody Fertility Boost!

EmpressBody would recommend you try our fertility bundle which can be found on the bundles page, alternatively you can try a full detox (6 pearls), try to conceive the next month and then use two detox pearls a month until you conceive, this is the usual procedure we ask of our soon to be mothers. We also recommend Chlorella, which is a well known super fertility boost we only sell raw organic Chlorella from the source.
Most of the ladies who have conceived with us have said they felt that steaming sped up the process, steaming is proved to assist with fertility by helping to unblock any tubes and regulate the blood around your perineum but this is for you to do at your discretion.
Click here to learn more about yoni steaming with EmpressBody
If you have PCOS, Fibroids of Endometriosis, we have EmpressBody Bundles for those too!
Are you over 40? Click here to read EmpressBody’s tips to help you conceive over 40
Click here to see the full range of EmpressBody yoni health products
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